Team Format Makes Ironman Within Reach


By Bill Witt

As the olympics roll into Rio, we will see great achievements made by extraordinary athletes
from varying countries. We’ll enjoy the tumbling from our young women gymnasts, the
thrashing of water as US swimmers continue to dominate, and we’ll cheer on the fleeting folks
in track and field. Some may enjoy what is becoming one of fhe fastest olympic sports in the
world, Triathlon. Contrary to the world championships held in Hawaii, incredible athletes will
compete at the Olympic distance category and defy us mere mortals, as they manunuever
through a 1500 meter swim, a 24 mile ride, and a 10k run. Meantime, as we watch the TV,
some of us may ask ourselves I wonder if I can do that?

The answer is yes. No need to worry if you’re a newbe to this sport, the Umph Relay was
designed to give folks an opportunity to sample the sport. Nowhere in the world has this
event been structured in a way to advance the sport of more inclusion of folks than the Umph

Beginning Friday night, August 26 and finishing Sunday, August 29, athletes to couch potatoes
can venture out to the world of triathlon. It’s a relay event that covers just over 140 miles.
Each team can have up to 15 members, however only 5 members can participate per sport.
So on Friday night at Corvallis’ Osborn center, participants will swim 2.4 miles. It’s a 50 meter
pool, so you can swim a 50 and let your relay member do the next 50, followed by the next
member, and so on.

On Saturday morning, teams will gather at the beautiful Emerson Vineyards and bicycle the 112
mile on an out and back 22 mile-loop. Do 5 laps with your buddies, and enjoy sunshine, food,
and plenty of wine.

On Sunday morning, teams will run around the Bald Hill area for a marathon. The course is a
2.6 mile loop. So 10 loops and you’re done. Meantime, there will be great music booming to
cheer runners, along food, and a just great time to be with friends and family.
On Monday, you can with tell everyone you did an Ironman Triathlon.
For more information visit

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