Synopsis: A firefighter named Bucky dies in a mill fire and three others are injured, including Andi Comstock’s brother. After Bucky is cremated, he enlists Andi’s help to find the arsonist, contributing fire-related clues he gathers in the Netherworld. Andi has helped the Smokies before, but this time, things are different. This time she encounters other supernatural elements at play…elements she’s not sure how to defeat, which could mean Andi will be talking to the Smokies in their world instead of hers.
Simas received her B.A. from Humboldt State University, Arcata, California. She has a writing and graphics design background and is an award-winning newsletter editor. She served for two years on the Romance Writers of America Board of Directors, where she represented members in the Pacific Northwest and chaired the Outreach International Chapter, serving members worldwide. She also co-founded a local RWA chapter and organized local writers’ conferences. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, Italian American Writers Association, and Northwest Independent Writers Association.
Simas is the author of three Romance Writers of America Golden Heart Finalists, Chloe’s Spirit, First Star, and Blessed Are the Eagles. Her other standalone titles are Chloe’s Spirit Afterstories, First Star Afterstories, Loose Ends, Heaven Sent, Black Moon Rising, and Here and Gone. In addition, she writes one other mystery series: Grace Gabbiano Mysteries, Dressed to Die, Sliced to Die, Buried to Die, and Quilted to Die. Other books in the Andi Comstock Supernatural Mysteries are Holy Smoke, Penitence, and Angel Babies. Simas also writes one other series, Christmas Valley Romances: Santa’s Helper, Candy Cane Lane, Let It Snow, FruityCakes, Sleigh Bride, Angels on the Rooftop, Deck the Gnomes, and Back-Door Santa. She also has one short-story collection available entitled, All’s Well.
Simas’s books are published by Magic Moon Press and are available worldwide in ebook format through and are included in the Kindle Unlimited program. They are also available in paperback through the author’s website, (free shipping within the U.S.), and from (free shipping with Prime).
For more information about Ann Simas, go to or email She can also be found on Facebook at Ann Simas, Author.
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